READ IT: The Truth About Forgiveness by John MacArthur

We humans think that we are given a bad card in life. We blame our problems on genes and addictions that are beyond our control. We fail to realize that our greatest problem is the result of sin and that there is a solution - salvation through the Lord Jesus Christ. This book is about bringing readers to realize that the biggest problem in their life is not their weight or cold or trouble at work but their standing before God. And it points readers to Jesus Christ and goes into explaining why Jesus is the only solution for our problem of sin. This book gives God the glory in the salvation process. It shows Christians what they have to be grateful for - that although they were unworthy sinners, Christ died for us. I highly recommend this book. It's a great look at the gospel message.

Disclaimer: I received this book from the publisher for this unbiased review. I am not required to give positive reviews.