READ IT: From Blah to Awe by Jenna Lucado Bishop

I actually enjoyed this book by Jenna Lucado Bishop more than any book from her famous father, Max Lucado. Even though this book is not really deep and it's super girlie and written for girls, it is honest, open and real. It shows Christians where their shortcomings are and doesn't pretend we are all perfect. Jenna writes from such a refreshing point of view - I was very pleasantly suprised. I think all teens, boys and girls, and even adults should benefit from this book. We are so used to hiding from our sins and shortcomings and ignoring the nasty jealous, bitter, greedy, selfish feelings inside us. This book challenges readers to an honest self-examination. Jenna points out her own ugly selfish side and this allows readers to be honest with themselves and take a peek into our own ugly hidden closets. Jenna then encourages readers to turn to God for help and to realize that our love of these sinful habits are the things that keep us apart from God.

Sadly I think most Christians will say "that's a girly book" but I think most Christians could benefit from this honest look at our sinfulness. We aren't just Blah about God for no reason. We are Blah about God because we are so selfish and into ourselves. If we could recognize how gross our sin was, we could fall at God's feet and repent and turn our lives over to Christ. This book is a great look and an honest challenge to all readers, not just teenage girls.

Disclaimer: I received this book from the publisher for this unbiased review. I am giving my honest review, as positive reviews are not required.