SKIP IT: Father Hunger by Douglas Wilson

I found this book very boring and painfully difficult to get through. Everything has been said before dozens of times in other books and Wilson drifts off topic over and over again. I found myself reading sections and going "What did that have to do with anything?" over and over again. The book did not flow well and I really didn't learn anything new. The author writes about men and women being created to have different roles but we've heard this so many times already! And then he writes about how children need fathers and fathers are important. I think we know that already too. He writes about the role fathers play in the spiritual lives of their children, and on poverty and crime. I would love to recommend this book because I heard good things about the author but I just can't.

Disclaimer: I received this book from the publisher for this unbiased review. I am not required to give positive reviews.

1 comment:

  1. Very good blog. It is clear that you actually read the boioks and consider if the theology and/or teaching is consistent with the bible. I wish you had an option to follow this blog.
