Sheila Walsh's Incorrect Teachings

Podcast: Your Network of Praise: A Few Minutes With Sheila Walsh (4:44)
The interview is about Walsh's new book series: "Gabby, God's Little Angel" is to written to "show God's love". Walsh says, "My heart for the rest of my life is to tell as many people in as many ways as often as I can about the outrageous merciful love of God." "To let children know that they are always watched over by the Lord." Walsh refers to Matthew 19:13-15, and says that in these verses, "Christ pulls some children aside and said don't despise any of these little ones because their angels always behold the face of my father in heaven." "So it was clear to me that children specifically have angels that watch over them and are constantly calling their name out in the throne of grace."

Several things are incorrect or misleading about Walsh's statements:
1) Walsh's book series "Gabby God's Little Angel Princess" is an unbiblical story of a silly, clumbsy, foolish female child angel in training. In the Bible, angels are not female and they are not children and they are certainly not silly, incompetent, foolish and clumbsy. And they are not princesses.
2) When Walsh says she is writing to tell as many people as possible about God's outrageous love, who is she telling? Is she preaching the false easy-believism gospel that says "God loves you just as you are with all those sins and that you can have a ticket to heaven without any repentance and without making Christ the Lord of your life?" What is the point of telling everyone God loves them? It seems to work in contrast to the Gospel of Jesus Christ, in which Jesus convicts one seeker after another of their sin. You will not find Jesus or any of the apostles ever preaching, "God loves you just as you are" but "Repent! Turn from your sins and seek God!"
3) Matthew 19:13-15 has nothing to do with angels. Walsh is incorrect in interpreting these verses to justify the unbiblical teaching of "guardian angels" for each individual child. The exact verses in the ESV read, "Then children were brought to him that he might lay his hands on them and pray. The disciples rebuked the people, but Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven." And he laid his hands on them and went away." As you can see, there is nothing about guardian angels in these verses.

I have read three of Sheila Walsh's books and listened to two interviews (podcasts) and time and time again, Walsh leads readers away from a Biblical view of things. This author is a part of Women of Faith, a questionable group of female teachers that often teach a "prosperity gospel" that we can apply God's 3,600 promises all to ourselves and hold God to these promises and expect them for ourselves. Walsh also was a former co-host of The 700 Club, Pat Robertson's tv show that also taught "prosperity gospel" for the Word Faith cult on TBN. I do not recommend this author and believe her teachings are incorrect and misleading at best.


  1. Thanks for your work on this author.

    "To let children know that they are always watched over by the Lord."

    Mrs. Walsh is setting up kids to curse God later when He does not prevent a tragedy or crime from befalling them even after they earnestly prayed or think the angel should have protected them.

    The gospel is about salvation from sin, not about salvation from earthly tragedies, atrocities or unhappy circumstances.

    Ask Lazarus the beggar who's been in Paradise for nearly the last 2000 years about "receiving evil things" during his lifetime if God had let him down on earth. What he'd likely say is God saved him from his sins so he could be carried by angels to his eternal comfort. That's the Love of God in a person's life.


  2. Yes, they DO have guardian angels & scripture DOES teach that.....neverygeless, I do not care for Sheila Walsh's worldly attatchment - it's unbiblical.

    Take heed that ye despise not one of these little ones; for I say unto you, That in heaven their angels do always behold the face of my Father which is in heaven. Matt 18:10
